

China exported 22403.444 tons of ferrosilicon (>55%) in September

  • 2019年10月28日 11:32
  • 來源:中國鐵合金網(wǎng)

  • 0
  • 關鍵字:ferrosilicon, export
[導讀]China exported 22403.444 tons of ferrosilicon (>55%) in September.

[Ferro-Alloys.comAccording to China Customs, China exported 22403.444 tons of ferrosilicon (>55%) in September,2019, down by 2.76% than last month, and down by 52.02% than the same period in 2018.

Of which, there were 7453 tons exported to Korea, accounts for 33.27%; and 7382.1 tons to Japan, accounts for 32.95% of the total exports in September.

Country/Area Tons $
Korea 7453 8,303,824
Japan 7382.1 8,722,003
Indonesia 2164.464 2,508,675
The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, China 1550 1,512,199
India 1489 1,319,816
Vietnam 925 744,382
Thailand 396 481,436
Turkey 248.4 320,770
New Zealand 144 151,200
Mexico 138 200,149
Russian Federation 100 71,000
Malaysia 98.48 112,025
Ukraine 70 60,050
Saudi Arabia 50 53,750
Chile 50 56,102
Australia 47 58,385
Pakistan 35 32,293
Nigeria 27 29,430
Qatar 20 24,000
Slovenia 8 28,298
Kuwait 5 7,371
Egypt 3 4,050
Total 22403.44 24,801,208

  • [責任編輯:kangmingfei]


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