

七成礦企遭關停 菲律賓鎳礦產(chǎn)量將折半

  • 2017年02月03日 13:36
  • 來源:中國鐵合金網(wǎng)

  • 0
  • 關鍵字:菲律賓 鎳礦 環(huán)保

中國鐵合金網(wǎng)訊:菲律賓環(huán)保部長,前反礦業(yè)活動支持者 Gina Lopez 聲明,已關停21家礦業(yè)公司,另有7家暫停生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動。


暫停的企業(yè)有:Oceana Gold Philippines, Inc., Lepanto Consolidated Mining, Citinickel Mines and Development Corp., Berong Nickel Corp., Ore Asia Mining Corp., and Strong Built Mining Development Corp.。

另外,關停的企業(yè)有:BenguetCorp. Nickel Mines, Inc., Eramen Minerals, Inc., Zambales Diversified Metals Corp., LNL Archipelago Minerals, Inc., Mt. Sinai Mining Exploration and Development Corp., Emir Minerals Corp., TechIron Mineral Resources, Inc., AAMPHIL Natural Resources Exploration, Kromico, Inc., SinoSteel Philippines H.Y Mining Corp., Oriental Synergy Mining Corp., Wellex Mining Corp., Libjo Mining Corp., Oriental Vision Mining Philippines, Corp., ADNAMA Mining Resources Corp., Claver Mineral Development Corp., Platinum Development Corp., CTP Construction and Mining Corp., Carrascal Nickel Corp., Marcventures Mining and Development Corp., and Hinatuan Mining Corp.

Lopez 表示,關停的鎳礦企業(yè)占菲律賓鎳礦生產(chǎn)總量的50%,但她對因此造成的經(jīng)濟損失并不關心。

Lopez 表示,企業(yè)可向杜特爾特總統(tǒng)提出上訴。但總統(tǒng)在周四舉行的達沃國民會議上表明,他支持環(huán)境部針對幾家大型礦業(yè)公司的關停決定。

通過審查的企業(yè)有: Philex Mining Corp., Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corp., Carmen Copper Corp., Cagdianao Mining Corp., Taganito Mining Corp., Greenstone Resources Corp., Philsaga Mining Corp., Apex Mining Company, Inc., Pacific Nickel Philippines Inc., Agata Mining Ventures, Inc., Century Peak Metals Holdings Corp., SR Metals, Inc.

礦業(yè)與地質(zhì)局也是環(huán)境審查小組的組成部分,但當請Lopez提供一份該局的關停建議報告時, Lopez拒絕了,并表示地質(zhì)局的報告與環(huán)保局的大相徑庭。

  • [責任編輯:Licaixia]


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