Chinese Mn Alloys Market Has Been Going Soft Since Last Two Weeks
[] Chinese spot market of Mn ore has already been going down, BHP lumpy high grade Mn ore was down from RMB 90 to RMB 80/mtu, and future shipment in Feb and March is stable but the quotation slides slightly.
Vale, another bigger supplier from Brazil, offered 44% Mn at USD 9.0 for lumpy and UDD8.50/mtu for fines, which it is just offer but not heard any conclusion.
As to FeMn and SiMn market in China, which it has been going soft since last two weeks, due to over stock of ferroalloys.
In Ningxia, west part of China, where it is located three major SiMn plants.
They quoted RMB8050/mt ex work by cash payment, which it is RMB500/mt down than the beginning of Dec.
In Inner Mongolia, many Mn alloys producers located over there in Wulanchabu, price quoted RMB8200-8300 /mt ex work, which it is RMB300/mt down. According to our visit to these areas, we found all plants are operating and the supply is sufficient.
For Steel demands side, steel arc furnaces were stopped due to pollution reason and demands for SiMn and other alloys is decreasing. Other steel plants located in Shandong and Hebei were closed. Even that, steel prices also is going down last week from spot and future market. That down trend already confirmed and will not be changed in 1st Q of 2017.
- [責(zé)任編輯:Chen Zhen Seng]