

The Weekly Review of Nickel Ore Marketing (June 27-July

  • 2016年07月01日 16:11
  • 來源:中國鐵合金網(wǎng)

  • 0
  • 關(guān)鍵字:nickel ore
[導(dǎo)讀]The nickel ore price maintains a stable trend this week. Although nickel price will constantly rise, the stainless steel is in the off-season, and the demand of domestic steel plants is not positive.

[www.ferro-alloys.com] The nickel ore price maintains a stable trend this week. Although nickel price will constantly rise, the stainless steel is in the off-season, and the demand of domestic steel plants is not positive. The new purchase price for the steel plants doesn’t update with uncertain marketing trend. The nickel ore manufactures want to raise the price, but they lack of the benefit support, and therefore, they are only based on the high price.

Currently, Fe0.9%-1.1% CIF was quoted at $ 18-19 and at RMB 150-170; Fe1.6%CIF was quoted at $36-37 and at RMB 260-280. INA 1. 8%CIF at quoted $ 44-45 and RMB 370-390.

In terms of low ni and high ferro, the spot in the harbor gets few quotation, and still quoting at high price. The market supply resource is abundant, but the demand for buyer is not intensive. As to medium nickel ore, its price faces the pressure of declining, and the marketing transaction is cold; as to the high nickel ore, under the influence of the rising outside nickel prices, nickel prices for the sport in harbor will increase slightly. It is expected that nickel ore price will be stable.



  • [責(zé)任編輯:zhang yuan]


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