
Black Canyon: Metallurgical Testwork Delivers 48% to 50% Manganese Concentrates

  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferroalloy, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Manganese Ore, Chrome Ore,Iron Ore
[Fellow]Black Canyon: Metallurgical Testwork Delivers 48% to 50% Manganese Concentrates Invitation forThe 21st China Ferro-Alloys International Conference

[Ferro-Alloys.com] Metallurgical Testwork Delivers 48% to 50% Manganese Concentrates

Positive results received from initial beneficiation (Heavy Liquid Separation - HLS) provide confidence that a high-grade manganese oxide concentrate can be readily produced from Wandanya using a simple density-based technique.

Significant manganese upgrades, on average, well above the premium 44% Mn oxide benchmark achieved: WD01MG composite upgraded from a raw feed grade of 21.2% Mn to grades between 44% to 49% Mn (depending on HLS applied SG and size fraction)

WD02HG composite upgraded from a raw feed grade of 41.5% Mn to grades between 51% to 53% Mn (depending on HLS applied SG and size fraction)

Overall concentrate grades range between 50% and 48% Mn achieved with 68% to 76% recoveries respectively when combining the moderate and higher-grade composites results.

Low deleterious elements such as iron, aluminium and phosphorus from the head grade feedstock and upgraded concentrate element analysis results.

The Wandanya discovery represents a new exploration model on the eastern margin of the Oakover Basin comprising hydrothermal, stratabound manganese and iron. The Company has only drill tested 240m of the 3km W2 target strike and is looking forward to further drilling these high-grade manganese and iron outcrops.

Australian manganese explorer and developer, Black Canyon Limited (Black Canyon or the Company) is pleased to announce the results from benchtop scale beneficiation testwork completed on composite reverse circulation (RC) drill chip samples from the W2 prospect at the Wandanya Project1. The testwork demonstrates substantial uplifts from composite feed grades of 21.2% Mn and 41.5% Mn to concentrate grades well above the premium 44% Mn oxide benchmark grade for both the moderate and higher-grade feed samples. The laboratory testwork used HLS techniques as a proxy for widely used, industry based dense media separation (DMS).

The initial sighter level metallurgical tests provide a positive insight to the beneficiation characteristics of the manganese mineralisation discovered at Wandanya using feed grades similar to those at Woodie Woodie that routinely use DMS as part of its ore processing circuit.

Black Canyon’s Managing Director Brendan Cummins said:

“Completing this early stage metallurgical testwork and generating a high grade, low impurity concentrate, in excess of the premium 44% Mn oxide benchmark, has been a great achievement and start to 2025. The style of high-grade hydrothermal manganese mineralisation we have discovered at Wandanya lends itself to the application of density-based beneficiation techniques with manganese minerals being denser than the less dense dolomite host rocks. The testwork confirmed our expectation that the mineralisation would beneficiate in a similar manner to the hydrothermal ores processed at Woodie Woodie and demonstrates the potential to produce a high quality manganese concentrate for the silico and ferro alloying industry and as feedstock for high purity manganese sulphate (HPMSM).”

“We continue to learn more about the W2 manganese prospect with these additional layers of analysis and we are quickly building a greater understanding of the prospect’s potential. My main conclusion to date has been the simplicity of the geology, with shallow high-grade mineralisation and now we have demonstrated how readily the manganese can be upgraded using a simple and established density-based process. Our immediate focus is to complete a Heritage Survey and then further drilling down dip and along strike so we can understand the full scale and significance of the discovery.”

“We have only drill tested 240m of strike or less than 10% of the 3km long manganese target based on mapping and rock chip sampling2. This is why we are very keen, following the west season, to get the rig back to site as soon as possible and test not only the manganese targets but also the recently announced high-grade iron mineralisation we have mapped over 2km adjacent to the manganse.”

W2 Prospect, Wandanya (BCA 100%)

Heavy Liquid Separation Testwork

Testwork samples were selected from about 110kg of RC drill chip samples collected from the W2 drilling program completed in September 20241. Whilst diamond core would be preferable to RC drill chips, for this early-stage sighter level beneficiation testwork, the processing of RC chips does provide initial concentrate grade and recovery data that can be applied to more detailed diamond core based testwork when available.

To facilitate representative examples of mineralisation, the drill chip samples were collected from six holes, with two holes each from a northern, central and southern drill line along 240m of drilled strike. A moderate and high composite grade of 20% Mn and 40% Mn was targeted based on the average intersection around 30% Mn with reasonably distinct moderate grades in an upper zone and higher grades closer to the footwall. The mineralised intervals were all intersected from less than

10m depth. All the samples were crushed to -10mm and then combined as required to produce a moderate (WD01MG) and higher (WD02HG) grade composite.

The assay feed grades of the WD01MG and WD02HG composites was 21.2% Mn and 41.51%Mn respectively and the data is presented in Table 1.

The WD01MG and WD02HG composites were then screened at 1mm to produce a fines (-1mm+0.045mm) and a coarser fraction (+1mm-10mm). The fine and coarse fractions were subjected to heavy liquid separation at liquid specific gravities (SG) of 3.0g/cm3 and 3.3g/cm3.

The results are displayed in Table 2 and show significant uplifts, especially from the moderate grade concentrate. Based on the testwork completed and assuming re-combining the moderate-grade and high-grade composites at an SG of 3.0g/cm3 and 3.3g/cm3, the combined calculated averages for the concentrate are 50% Mn and 48% Mn respectively, produced from a calculated combined average head grade feed of about 31% Mn.

Summary assay data from the HLS concentrate products have been completed for a limited element suite with the results shown in Table 3. Low Fe and Al contents from the head assays and final concentrates further highlight the quality of the Wandanya manganese mineralisation.

Next Steps

The initial metallurgical results have provided the Company with confidence to the amenability of the Wandanya manganese discovery to simple beneficiation and an indication of potential manganese concentrate grades and recoveries. These parameters can be used in further testwork which in the short term will rely on RC drill chips but in the future the Company is planning to undertake a diamond drill core program.

The next step in the exploration program will be to drill further along strike and down dip at Wandanya to show scale and continuity for the manganese and drill test the high-grade iron targets we have identified up dip from the stratabound manganese. The Company will continue to update progress on this important drill program.

Invitation forThe 21st China Ferro-Alloys International Conference

  • [Editor:tianyawei]

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