
Manganese Marekt Snapshot on February 28

  • Wednesday, February 28, 2024
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferroalloy, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Manganese Ore, Chrome Ore,Iron Ore
[Fellow]Manganese Marekt Snapshot on February 28

[Ferro-Alloys.com]  Siliconmanganese market: Today, the siliconmanganese spot price was RMB6000-6050/mt in North China and the price was RMB 6100-6250 in Ningxai province, while the futures market didn’t rebound sharply and the spot market declined slightly and the market participants focused on the steel tender for March. The futures main contract 202405 closing price was RMB 6364/mt and the high price was down to RMB 6350/mt and the market lacking of the consumption supporting.

Manganese ore market: Now the semi-carbonate manganese ore futures price increased slightly and the reason was the manganese ore stocks down in main ports and the manganese mines shipped reduction and the other was the mines adjusted the shipped to support the price for the Chinese manganese ore market weak.

But the Gabon manganese ore continued to ship for the price up faced with pressure. The semi-carbonate manganese ore spot price was RMB34.5-35/dmtu, Australia managanese ore lumpy price was RMB35-36/dmtu and semi carbonate was RMB34-34.5/dmtu for negotiation. The manganese plants adjusted the raw materials consumption process and so there is no reason to support the manganese ore price up strong and manganese ore high price offer disappeard the transaction price down and most of the participants are very cautious. So it is the reality that the manganese ore consumption didn’t up which the market price up not lasting.

  • [Editor:tianyawei]

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