Munda sees solid results
Widgie Nickel’s Munda deposit has reported high grade nickel results through its recent drilling program.
The Munda deposit is one of the 12 nickel deposits within the Mt Edwards project, which is located 75 kilometres south of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and 40 kilometres south west of Kambalda, WA.
The Mt Edwards project is known for its unique consolidation of highly prospective nickel and new economy metal prospects.
High grade nickel mineralisation intercepts reported from the recently completed drilling campaign at the Munda nickel deposit includes:
MEDD026 12.46 metres (m) at 2.05 per cent nickel (Ni) from 329.6m, including 6.06m at 3.20 per cent Ni from 336.0m
MERC163 1m at 4.35 per cent Ni from 59m
MERC167 6.12m at 4.39 per cent Ni from 246.25m, including 2.55m at 7.08 per cent Ni from 249.45m
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- [Editor:邢亞敏]
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