The 19th China Ferro-alloys International Conference, co-hosted by China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) & ,Supported by China Ferroalloys Industrial Association, will be held on 31 May to 2 June 2023 in Beijing, China.
Nickel sulphide explorer Adavale Resources (ASX:ADD) reports its subsidiary has been granted prospecting licence PL12350/2023, known as Luhuma Central, within the Kabanga Jirani Nickel Project in Tanzania.
The company considers Luhuma Central to be a ‘geologically important’ addition to its exploration tenure based on historical exploration results in the area and its location within the broader 15km Luhuma trend.
The 3.74km-square prospect is encompassed within PL11692/2021, where Adavale has earned a majority interest of 65% and has rights to earn up to 100%.
With Luhuma Central secured, Adavale reports it plans to initially twin a historical hole at the prospect and make use of downhole electromagnetics (DHEM) and audio magnetotelluric (AMT) surveys.
Following this, the company will then further assess the potential to step out drilling to fully understand the potential extent of the mineralisation in the area and its orientation.
Commenting on Luhuma Central, Adavale Resources Chairman Grant Pierce says: “Adavale has from the outset applied for its licences on geological merit rather than nearology alone.
The company recognised Luhuma Central as a coveted area, being within favourable lithologies and with demonstrable nickel sulphide mineralisation. It will play a key role in our broader exploration success.
The granting of Luhuma Central is opportune timing, as Adavale has recently recommenced drilling, being an about-5,000km program, and Luhuma Central will definitely feature in this program.”
Adavale reports Luhuma Central is considered geologically and technically ‘significant’, as the licence contains a coincident magnetic and gravity anomaly based on proximal surveys and historical results recorded in hole LUH06. This hole was completed by BHP (ASX:BHP) in the 1990s, and it returned 8.4m @ 1.14% nickel.
Adavale Resources is an ASX-listed nickel sulphide exploration company focused on the Kabanga Jirani Nickel Project in Tanzania. The project consists of 12 granted licences covering about 1,216km-square along the Karagwe-Ankolean belt. The company says the 6 southernmost licences are proximal to the 58-million-tonne @ 2.62% Ni Kabanga deposit.
Adavale also holds exploration licences at the Lake Surprise Project, considered prospective for uranium, within the northern part of the Lake Frome Embayment in South Australia.
- [Editor:倪駿豪]
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