
Mineral Production Goes up by 5% DuringNovember, 2021 Compared to Same Time PreviousYear

  • Monday, January 24, 2022
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:manganese
[Fellow]Mineral Production Goes up by 5% DuringNovember, 2021 Compared to Same Time PreviousYear

【Ferro-alloys.com】As per the data of Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Ministry of Mines, the index of mineral productionof mining and quarrying sector for the month of November, 2021 (Base: 2011-12=100) at 111.9,was 5.0% higher as compared to the level in the month of November, 2020. The cumulative growthfor the period April- November, 2021-22 over the corresponding period of previous year hasincreased 18.2 percent. Production level of important minerals in November, 2021 were: Coal 679 lakh tonnes, Lignite 33 lakhtonnes, Natural gas (utilized) 2798 million cu. m., Petroleum (crude) 24 lakh tonnes, Bauxite 1710 thousandtonnes, Chromite 259 thousand tonnes, Copper conc. 10 thousand tonnes , Gold 113 kg, Iron ore 194 lakhtonnes, Lead conc. 30 thousand tonnes, Manganese ore 224 thousand tonnes, Zinc conc. 132 thousand tonnes,Limestone 303 lakh tonnes, Phosphorite 122 thousand tonnes, Magnesite 8 thousand tonnes and Diamond 15carat.  The production of important minerals showing positive growth during November, 2021 over November,2020 include: Gold (37.8%), Magnesite (28.1%), Natural Gas (U) (23.6%) Chromite (21.9%), Lignite(14.7%), lead conc.(14.4%), Zinc conc (13.9%), and coal (8.5%). The production of other important mineralsshowing negative growth is: Petroleum (Crude) (-2.2%), Iron Ore (-2.4%), Copper conc(-7.8%), limestone (-8.7%), bauxite (-9.5%), Phosphorite (-9.8%), and Manganese ore (-15.2%).

  • [Editor:zhaozihao]

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