
The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference

  • Tuesday, January 5, 2016
  • Source:中國(guó)鐵合金網(wǎng)

  • Keywords:ferroalloy Conference
[Fellow]The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference, co-hosted by China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) & Ferro-alloys.com will be held on May 25th-28th, 2016 in Qujiang Intl Hotel, Xi'an, China. China Ferro-al...


The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference


                                                                         May 25-28, 2016  Qu Jiang Intl Hotel, Xi'an, China

                                                 Conference  Document          Conference   Registration Form                           

The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference, co-hosted by China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) & Ferro-alloys.com will be held on May 25th-28th, 2016 in Qujiang Intl Hotel, Xi'an, China. China Ferro-alloys International Conference has developed into the key platform to learn policy changes, market trends of Chinese ferroalloys industry. Meanwhile the conference has become the gala where Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs exchange information and negotiate business. The conference with the theme “To Promote Ferroalloy Industry Development under New Normal Economy” will be carried on by speeches, forums, trading negotiation and business tour.


China’s economic growth slowed down obviously in 2015. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 6.9% in the first three quarters and annual growth is expected to be 7.0%. Most research institutions take pessimistic attitude and economic downturn pressure is huge. 2015 is the last year of the 12th Five-Year Plan and it is also the key time to prepare for the 13th Five-Year Plan. Under New Normal Economy, China’s macro policies will have important impact on all walks of life and it’s overwhelming to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. As one of the pillar industries, iron & steel business also enters the New Normal characterized by low price, slim profit, overcapacity and weak demand. It’s extremely urgent to break industrial contradiction, explore new development mode, adjust industrial structure and promote reform & innovation. As an important raw material, the development of ferroalloy industry is shackled by macro economy and iron & steel business. Industrial development shows many signs of weakness, including overcapacity, weak demand, sliding export, low price, high cost and reducing profit. Under New Normal Economy, it has become the focus how ferroalloy industry should adjust to adapt to slowing economy and transforming steel industry.


In this situation, CCCMC and Ferro-alloys.com will hold the 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference.  Economic experts, government officials and industrial exports will be invited to the conference. They will lecture on macro economic policy, ferroalloy industry development and other topics. It is of significance for the healthy development of ferroalloy industry and enterprise management transformation in the New Normal.


Participants:  we sincerely welcome the following enterprises to attend the conference, ferro-alloys (also including Si and Mn metal) producers, ferro-alloys traders, Ores (Mn Cr Ni) producers and traders, steel mills, foundry plants, metallurgical equipment manufacturers and service enterprises, Logistics enterprises, institution in all over the world.


Conference Details as Follows:


Conference: The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference

Date: May 25th- May 28th, 2016

Venue: Qujiang Intl Hotel,Xi'An, China



Ferroalloy (also including Si and Mn metal) producers, ferroalloy traders, Minerals (Mn Cr Ni) producers and traders, steel mills, foundry plants, coal and coke enterprises, carbon enterprises, metallurgical equipment manufacturers and service enterprises, Logistics enterprises, institution in all over the world.

★  Schedule:(to be confirmed

May 25th

10:00-22:00  Registration

13:00-17:00  Business Talk 1 to 1 meeting match is engaged

May 26th    8:30-12:30

Section I. Macro Economy and Industry Policies


China New Normal Economy and Future Macro Policies

The Establishment of China FTA and Its Impact on Trade

RMB Exchange Rate & RMB Internationalization and Their Impact on Trade

Iron & Steel Industry Development in the New Normal Economy

Ferroalloy Industry Development in the New Normal Economy

Market Position of Chinese Ferroalloy Industry and Its Future

Business Talk

& Exhibition



May 26th   14:00-18:00

Section II. Topics on Mn Cr Ni Ores and Alloys


Global Mn Ore Supply & Demand and Future Market Trend

Market Analysis & Prediction of Global & Chinese Mn Alloy Industry

Market Analysis and Prospect of Chinese Stainless Steel Industry

Global Chrome Ore Market Analysis and Prospect

Market Analysis and Prospect of Chinese Ferrochrome Industry

Nickel Ore Supply of Indonesia & Philippines and Its Impact on Chinese Market

Market Analysis of Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Industry and Its Production Technology Transformation

Business Talk

& Exhibition



May 26th  18:00-20:00 Banquet

May 27th 

Section III. Topics on SiNoble Alloys, and Technology


Market Analysis and Prospect of Chinese Ferrosilicon Industry

Market Analysis of Chinese Special Steel Industry and Its Demand on Mo, W,  &V

Energy Saving & Emission Reduction Technology Promoting Coordinated Development of Industry and Environmental


Business tour for JDC Moly and Huashan Moutain is planed.

Business Talk

& Exhibition




★  Register Charges

Registration Charges (including brochures, meals, trading negotiation, 2 nights hotel rooms)

If you don’t need the hotel, 2 nights hotel charges (USD240.00) will be deducted.

Members of CCCMC or Ferro-alloys.com:

□before Mar 31st,2016 USD1,300/person □After Apr. 1st, 2016        USD1,600/person   

Non-members of CCCMC or Ferro-alloys.com

□before Mar 31st,2016 USD1,550/person □After Apr. 1st, 2016      USD1,800/person

Subscribe Now in www.ferro-alloys.com

I want to become Subscriber of www.ferro-alloys.com and also attend this event at the Member charge.

□Advanced membership:USD1,200/Year  □VIP membership:USD1,500/Year


★  Advertising





□  Luxury Stand (3*3) m ²

USD 2500

□  Standard Stand (3*2) m ²

USD 1600

□  Brochures Exhibiting Table

USD 800

Advertising on

conference Magazine/delegate list book

□  Front Colored Cover

USD 3,000

□  Back Cover

USD 2,500

□  Back Inside Cover

USD 1,500

□  Inside Color Full Page

USD 1,000


□  Brochures Distribution in delegates bags

USD 1000

□  Enterprise Video Playing

USD 800

□  Exhibition board

USD 500

★  Cancellation Notice

50% of the fees can be returned to participants who can’t attend on time but have singed up and paid before April 30th, 2015 and non return after that day (except for force majeure)


★  Conference Committee



The 13th China Ferro-alloys International Conference Registration Form

May 25-28, 2016 Qujiang Intl, Xi'an ,China





Delegates Name


Cell phone

























□Producer □Trader □Purchaser □Logistics  □Others___________________




Registration Charges including : conference register Charge, meals, brochures, 2 nights hotel rooms

If you don’t need the hotel, 2 nights hotel charges (USD240.00) will be deducted.


Jan 1st, 2015-Mar 31st, 2015

After Apr.1st, 2015


□ USD1400 per

□ USD1,600/person


□ USD1550 per

□ USD1,800/person 


Become Members of www.ferro-alloys.com Now, and Enjoy the Lowest Conference Charge USD1000/person

Advanced Membership   USD1200   One Year+3 months online and offline Service;6 months Homepage Advs

VIP Membership   USD1500  One Year+3 months online and offline Service;12 months Homepage Advertisement


Company Promotionstand and advertisement


Advertising on

conference Magazine/delegate list book


□  Luxury Stand (3*3) m ²   USD 2500

□  Standard Stand (3*2) m ² USD 1600

□  Exhibiting Table        USD 800

□  Front Colored Cover  USD 3,000

□  Back Cover         USD 2,500

□  Back Inside Cover    USD 1,500

□  Inside Color Full Page  USD 1,000

□Brochures Distribution in delegates bags   USD 1000

□ Enterprise Video Playing USD 800

□ Exhibition board       USD 500


Sponsorship  □Premium: USD50,000   □VIP: USD35,000  □Standard: USD15,000 (for detailed service, pls contact with us, conference@ferro-alloys.com


In general, I like to pay  USD ______________  signature(stamp):____________________     Date:_______________





USD A/C NO:11014080100220000094    SWIFT CODE: PCBCCNBJBJX

Contact: Ms Pan Huining Tel: +86-10-87760688、87755388 Fax:86-10-87776388  Mobile: 86-18519859600

E-mail: conference@ferro-alloys.com  panhuining@ferro-alloys.com  Website: http://www.ferro-alloys.com





  • [Editor:Sophie]

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