
Invite you to Attend International CIS Ferroalloys Markets Conference on Sep 14 2015

  • Monday, July 20, 2015
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:ferroalloy, conference
[Fellow]International CIS Ferroalloys Markets Conference will be held on Sep 14, 2015 in Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, welcome to attend.

International CIS Ferroalloys Markets Conference

Sep.14, 2015 

Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi Marriott Hotel

Media Partners

International CIS Ferroalloys Markets conference will be held on 14th of September 2015 in Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, Georgia.


The event is being organized by Business-Forum and Metal-Expert, supported by Privat Intertrading, Alex Stewart International, ICDA, IMnI, UkrFA and Ferro-Allys.com.


The conference is devoted to analysis of the current situation and prospects of the ferroalloys industry development in 2015-2016.


The key meeting topics will relate to the plans of the largest ferroalloys producers, possibilities of supplies reorientation and markets expansion. Besides that will be discussed the questions of raw materials and changes in the structure of export supplies from Ukraine in connection with possible trade restrictions and the investigation of the ECE.


Main topics of the conference:

·         Russian manganese ore market. Complete transition to the use of raw materials from far abroad

·         Position of Ukraine on Russian Mn alloys market. Opportunities and prospects

·         Mergers and acquisitions processes on the Si and Cr alloys market in Russia

·         Redistribution of shares on the CIS markets. Ukrainian suppliers activity, opportunities for Indian suppliers, foreign investors introduction

·         Export potential of Russian and Ukrainian companies on Europe and Turkey markets

·         New trade restrictions in Ukraine as a trump card for the domestic suppliers and a loss of market for importers

·         Raw materials component. Coke deliveries problems to the enterprises of Ukraine.

For additional information, please click here


(link - http://b-forum.com/web/busf.nsf/met/CISSteel/C2779650851057B9C2257E51002A8D92)



  • [Editor:Yueleilei]

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