

  • Thursday, April 9, 2015
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:si,si metal,silicon metal
Silicon Metal 
Exported from the People’s Republic of China 
Extension of time granted to provide the final report to the 
Parliamentary Secretary 
Customs Act 1901 – Part XVB 
On 6 February 2014, I published a notice announcing the initiation of an investigation into 
the alleged dumping and subsidisation of silicon metal exported from the People’s 
Republic of China. 
A full description of the goods is available in Anti-Dumping Notice (ADN) No. 2014/08. This 
ADN is available on the Anti-Dumping Commission’s (the Commission’s) website at 
The initiation notice advised that the statement of essential facts (SEF) for the 
investigation would be placed on the public record by 27 May 2014. At my request, three 
extensions of time for placement of the SEF on the public record were granted by the 
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Science (Parliamentary 
Secretary), extending the timeframe to no later than 21 February 2015. The SEF was 
placed on the public record on 21 February 2015. 
The effect of the third extension was that the final report to the Parliamentary Secretary for 
this investigation was due to be provided to the Parliamentary Secretary by 7 April 2015. 
A number of submissions have been received in response to the SEF that require further 
consideration. I therefore requested an extension of the deadline for the provision of the 
final report to the Parliamentary Secretary. The Parliamentary Secretary has, under 
subsection 269ZHI(3) of the Customs Act 1901, extended the deadline for provision of the 
final report. The final report will now be provided to the Parliamentary Secretary by 
7 May 2015. 
Documents included in the public record are available at www.adcommission.gov.au. 
Alternatively, the public record may be examined at the Commission’s office by contacting 
the case director on the details provided below. 
Inquiries about this notice may be directed to the case director on telephone number 
02 6275 6393, or email operations2@adcommission.gov.au. 
Dale Seymour 
Anti-Dumping Commission 
7 April 2015 
  • [Editor:tianxiao]

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