
Pingluo Ferroalloys Producers Did a Good Job of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

  • Monday, September 29, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferroalloys,Energy Conservation,Emission Reduction,Pingluo,Ningxia,China
[Fellow]Pingluo Ferroalloys Producers Did a Good Job of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

[Ferro-alloys.com] This year the government of Pingluo county, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region had made energy conservation and emission reduction as breakthrough for adjusting economic structure and transforming development mode and made marked effect.

For the purpose of successfully accomplishing the job of energy conservation and emission reduction, Pingluo county established a special panel, built a system of paying for the use and trading of pollution emission rights and enhanced monitoring of pollution. In addition, the government had adopted several other measures, such as strict control of high energy consuming projects, especially ferroalloys. Placing much focus on ferroalloys and calcium carbide, the government asked the producers to fulfill equivalent replacement and set up larger furnaces as replacement of smaller ones.

Up till now, the outdated capacity of the five producers had been demolished completely and passed the site acceptance of IITD of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Department of Finance. They received financial aid of RMB7.45 million for phasing out outdated capacities.

  • [Editor:Phillip.Feng]

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