
Largo makes first shipment of vanadium pentoxide

  • Thursday, September 4, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:V2O5,Vanadium oxide
[Fellow]Largo Resources Ltd. ("Largo" or the "Company") is extremely pleased to announce that it has made its first shipment of vanadium pentoxide from its Maracas Menchen Mine ("the Project") located in Bahia State, Brazil.

[Ferro-Alloys.com] Largo Resources Ltd. ("Largo" or the "Company") is extremely pleased to announce that it has made its first shipment of vanadium pentoxide from its Maracas Menchen Mine ("the Project") located in Bahia State, Brazil.

The first shipment of vanadium pentoxide, was made at the Project's gate on September 2, 2014.

Production rates are stabilizing between 8 and 12 tonnes of material per day, which represents approximately 40% of the Project's Phase 1 target capacity and is in line with the Company's expected production for this stage of the ramp-up.

Production commenced at the Project on August 2, 2014. Production volumes are expected to continue to steadily increase over the coming months with the goal of reaching the Project's Phase 1 nameplate capacity of 9,600 tonnes per annum by or before 12 months of operations.

Mark Brennan, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "We are extremely pleased to have now commenced commercial shipments of material after having encountered and addressed a number of technical issues commonly associated with early start up phases at mining facilities. This is certainly a major step in the ramp-up process, and we look forward to realizing cash-flow from operations in the near-term."

He continued: "We are satisfied with the progress we have made and are encouraged that our production run-rate is now expected to increase steadily. We continue to be confident that we will continue to ramp-up efficiently in order to meet or exceed our production target for the next 12 months."

  • [Editor:Yueleilei]

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