
US Removed Anti-dumping Duty on Russian Ferrosilicon but Set a Final Rate of 22.84% forVenezuela

  • Monday, July 28, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:FeSi,ferrosilicon, anti-dumping duty,US,Russia,Venezuela
[Fellow]Russian ferrosilicon producer RFA International has escaped the imposition of US antidumping duties on ferrosilicon after the Department of Commerce awarded the company a zero percent dumping margin in its final determination of alleged dumping of the ferroall...

[Ferro-Alloys.com] Russian ferrosilicon producer RFA International has escaped the imposition of US antidumping duties on ferrosilicon after the Department of Commerce awarded the company a zero percent dumping margin in its final determination of alleged dumping of the ferroalloy in the US.


But Commerce gave Venezuelan producer FerroAtlantica de Venezuela and all other Venezuela producers a final dumping margin of 22.84% for ferrosilicon, down from a preliminary margin of 27.27% announced in March.

  • [Editor:Yueleilei]

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