
Medium Carbon FeMn Holds Temporary Steady in China with Chaos Quotation

  • Thursday, April 17, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:FeMn Ferromanganese
[Fellow][Ferro-Alloys.com] In recent period, medium carbon ferromanganese 75C2.0 with standard P containing is currently quotation at RMB7,700-7,800/mt, while RMB8,100-8,200/mt for 78C2.0

[Ferro-Alloys.com] In recent period, medium carbon ferromanganese 75C2.0 with standard P containing is currently quotation at RMB7,700-7,800/mt, while RMB8,100-8,200/mt for 78C2.0 and RMB8,400-8,500/mt for low P containing. Meanwhile, medium carbon ferromanganese 78C1.5 with low p containing is now placing at RMB8,800-9,000/mt. Low carbon ferromanganese 80C07 is focusing on RMB10,100-10,300/mt.


All in all, different production techniques contribute to chaos quotations. As continued poor sale severely hit producers’ confidence, it seems that increasing number of producers tend to hold wait and see attitudes on future market rather than give offer. 


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  • [Editor:Sophie]

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