
Low Operation Rates for SiMn in Guizhou of China Attributed to High Production Cost

  • 3/15/2014 5:47:26 PM

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Ferro-Alloys.com] As warmer weather, it seems that some of silicon manganese suppliers plan to resume operation in Mid-March in Guizhou area, opposed to that, others producers tend to suspend resuming normal running to May partly because of optimistic anticipation for steel mills performance at that time. It is said that high cost allowed silicon manganese suppliers in south areas to set quotation to RMB6M600-6,800/mt, representing a slight higher in north areas. According to related statistics, manganese alloy operation rates in February for Guangxi area only hold about 25%, while 15% in Yunnan and around 20% for Guizhou area. Copyright © 2014 Ferro-Alloys.Com. All Rights Reserved. Please write to jiangyitao@ferro-alloys.com for help.