
Macquarie Again Cut Down the Nickel Price Expectation in 2013

  • Tuesday, July 16, 2013
  • Source:

  • Keywords:Macquarie Nickel Ni Price Expectation 2013
[Ferro-Alloys.com]On July 13th, Macquarie had released a report about the global metal price expectation, on which, it showed that in 2013 the copper price predication was cut down by 3.5% to USD$7,182/mt; the golden price decreased by 5.9% to USD$1,386/mt; and the nickel price was cut down by 5.9% to 15,191/mt. it was acknowledged that in January, the nickel price was cut down to USD$17000/mt.
It was also predicted that in 2013, the aluminum average price was 19% lower than its marginal price; the nickel price was 11% lower than its marginal price; while the lead, gold, zinc and cooper were all higher than their marginal price, and the rate was 18%, 16%, 7% and 12% respectively. Other products price below marginal price included tin, iron ore, hard coking coal, thermal coal, steel, platinum and uranium.
In the second half year of 2013, only tin and uranium’s price would be higher than the first half year; the decline rate of gold would be the largest, and then will be the hard coking coal, platinum, iron ore and nickel.
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