
Nickel price trend on May 9th

  • Thursday, May 9, 2019
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Nickel, price trend
[Fellow]Nickel price trend on May 9th

[ferro-alloys.com]Yesterday, British Government were facing difficulties in Brexit Deal. China-U.S trade negotiation was not in good progress. So, the index of U.S dollar rose up. Relatively, the price of LME nickel kept on dropping. By the end of trading, LME nickel was quoted at 11935 USD/T. It was 95 USD/T lower than the price on last trading day. The downstream traders did not expect that the nickel price could rise up in the future, so they were not positive in the market. Meanwhile, LME nickel price dropped down. So, the price of Shanghai future nickel went down today. Compared with Wuxi 1905 contract, the premium of Russian nickel was 300 RMB/T,and the premium of Jinchuan nickel was 3400-3500 RMB/T. Today, Jinchuan quoted its electrolytic nickel was 98300 RMB/T. It was 1200 RMB/T lower than the price yesterday. 

Due to downturn of LME nickel market, the trading volume of stainless steel was less in the market. The prices of main products kept steady, so did the price of ferronickel. Today, the mainstream price of high grade ferronickel was 950-960 RMB/Nickel, and the price of low grade ferronickel was 3200-3400 RMB/T.


  • [Editor:王可]

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