
Nickel price trend on December 27th

  • Thursday, December 27, 2018
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Nickel, price trend
[Fellow]Nickel price trend on December 27th

[ferro-alloys.com]Yesterday, White House Economic Adviser confirmed that FED chairman Powell would not be fired. It pacified trader’s emotion in the market. U.S dollar and oil price rose up. London Metal Exchange went on halting their trades. Both Shanghai future nickel price and Russian nickel price rose up in the morning.Near the end of the year, the demand for Jinchuan nickel decreased, and trading volume was insufficient,and the price kept on dropping. Compared with Wuxi 1901 contract, the discount of Russian nickel was 0-100 RMB/T, and the premium of Jinchuan nickel was 2500 RMB/T. Today, Jinchuan quoted its electrolytic nickel at 90500 RMB/T. It was 500 RMB/T lower than the price yesterday.

Near the end of the year, the traders was not positive in stainless steel market. The price of 300 series stainless steel fell down today. The damand for ferronickel kept on dropping. Yesterday, Taiyuan Iron & Steel annnounced its purchase price of high grade ferronickel. It was 935-945 RMB/Nickel. Compared with the price in last period, it was 35-45 RMB/Nickel lower.So, the price of high grade ferronickel went down today. The mainstream price was 925-940 RMB/Nickel. The price of low grade ferronickel went down a little. The mainstream price was 3400-3500 RMB/T

  • [Editor:王可]

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