[Expressed by thebraincenter.net] At the beginning of this month, operation of domestic and foreign cored wire markets is in stable stage. Transaction volume of seamless metal calcium wire decreases with grim prospect that the export volume is hard to increase and the market price is unlikely to rise. The insiders estimate that such situation is likely to last for some time. At present, the transaction price of calcium silicon cored wire (Ca28Si55) is 11,000 to 12,000 yuan per ton, pure calcium wire (Ca98%min∮9㎜) is 10,800 to 11,800 yuan per ton, ferro-calcium wire (Ca30∮13㎜) is 8,300 to 8,800 yuan per ton, carbon wire (C98%∮13㎜) is 6,200 to 6,600 yuan per ton, seamless metal calcium wire (Ca98%min∮9mm) is 11,500 to 12,500 yuan per ton, seamless metal calcium wire (Ca98%min∮10mm) is 17,500 to 18,000 yuan per ton, silicon magnesium wire(Si40Mg28Re2∮13㎜) is 11,500 to 12,500 yuan per ton. The price of 0.35*55,Q195 cold rolled steel strip dropped a little to 4,900 to 4,950 yuan per ton. It is estimated that cored wire market will be stable recently with no large price fluctuation temporarily.
- [Editor:張德眾]
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