Cored wire is one of the most used methods in smelting industry, which improves quality of molten steel by feeding cored wire to molten steel. The roles of high-calcium cored wire are as below:
1. Comparing with ferro-calcium cored wire, calcium process in production of low carbon and low silicon steel with high-calcium cored wire reduces temperature drop by an average of 2.6 ℃ and reduces silicon increment by 0.001%, shortens the wire feeding time by 1 min and increases yield by 2.29 times.
2. Feeding amount of ferro-calcium cored wire is tremble that of high-calcium cored wire. Converting into the same calcium content W (ca), feeding amount of ferro-calcium cored wire is 2.45 times higher than high-calcium cored wire.
3. Processing molten steel by using high-calcium cored wire is equivalent with by feeding ferro-calcium cored wire in level of inclusion that meet the product requirement.
- [Editor:張德眾]
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