
Nickle price trend on June 11th

  • Monday, June 11, 2018
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:nickle price
[Fellow]Nickle price trend on June 11th

[ferro-alloys.com]Before G7 meeting started, the traders were cautious in the market. On last Friday, LME nickle was quoted at 15445 USD/T by the end of the trading. Today, Shanghai future nickle price went up and down at high level. Compared to Wuxi 1806 contract, the Russian nickle discount was zero, and the premium of Jinchuan nickle was 100RMB/T. Today, Jinchuan quoted its electrolytic nickle (big board) at 116200RMB/T in Shanghai.

Affected by the extension of environmental monitoring range, more and more plants halted or reduced their productions. So, traders in stainless steel market were not positive. Today, the stainless steel products prices went down, and relatively, the ferronickle price maintained at the same level on last Friday. The high grade ferronickle was quoted at 1060-1075RMB/Nickle, and the price of low grade ferroinickle was 3300-3400RMB/T

  • [Editor:王可]

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