
Nickel Miner Positive Despite Sector Asset Write Off

  • Thursday, August 9, 2012
  • Source:

  • Keywords:Nickel
[Ferro-Alloys.com] The WA miner, Independence Group, says it remains positive about the future of the nickel sector, despite its main customer BHP Billiton writing down the value of a major nickel operation in WA.
BHP Billiton has written off $431 million from the value of its Nickel West assets, and earlier this year cut 155 jobs from the division. Independence sells nickel concentrate from its mine near Kambalda to BHP.
Speaking from the Diggers and Dealers conference in Kalgoorlie, Independence managing director Christopher Bonwick said he is not too concerned at the moment.
"Usually we get informed from BHP if things are going to change or anything, so there hasn't been any notification," he said.
"Certainly there are a lot of companies that are writing off assets at the moment. "BHP, like a lot of other nickel producers, are suffering with lower prices and taking the opportunity to write those assets off." Mr Bonwick says he is positive about the long term future of the sector.
"Overall, nickel is a very important part of stainless steel," he said. "It's getting more use in batteries as well, so the overall use of nickel, yes we believe it's an important industrial metal."
  • [Editor:editor]

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