
Medium and high Grade Nickel Ores future price declined for poor demand-China (Mar.9th-Mar.13th)

  • Monday, March 16, 2015
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:nickel ore ferronickel FeNi
[Fellow]This week the nickel ores price was still not well. On Mar.13th, nickel ores stock was 18.7million tons, rising by 100thousand tons than last week.

[Ferro-alloys.com]This week the nickel ores price was still not well. On Mar.13th, nickel ores stock was 18.7million tons, rising by 100thousand tons than last week.

In recent week, medium and high grade nickel ores quoted turned active while the trading was poor along with the price gap of USD2-3/mt.in spot market, the quotes from traders of Ni ores had no changes as nickel ore with Ni1.6%, Ni1.7%, and Ni1.8% in Tianjin Port were quoted at RMB440-450/wet mt, RMB500-520/wet mt, RMB570-590/wet mt respectively, and the transaction price for Ni1.9% and Ni2.0% were RMB630-640/wet mt, RMB690-700/wet mt. meanwhile, the future price decreased by USD2/wet mt as Ni ore with Ni1.7% and Ni1.8% from Philippine are $59/wet mt FOB and $73/wet mt FOB.

In view of low grade nickel ores, the spot and future price kept weakly stable as FOB prices for nickel ore(Fe50%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe49%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe48%, water33%) was quoted at $17-19/wet mt, $16-18/wet mt, $15-17/wet mt respectively. Spot prices for above materials were quoted at RMB210-220/wet mt, RMB200-210/wet mt and RMB190-200/wet mt. Under the strict environmental inspection, the low grade nickel ores demand turned worse and the buyers tried to pressure on the price, resulting in hard operation in spot market and so as to the future market. According to the data, in both Apr. of 2013 and 2014, the monthly import of Philippines Ni ores increased by 2million tons month on month. In mid-Mar., some miners had already started quoting while because of the poor demand downstream, the real trading was hard.

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  • [Editor:Juan]

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