
Overseas FeW Price Slipped, and Exporters Reported Some Transactions

  • Friday, October 10, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:W concentrates FeW ferrotungsten APT
[Fellow][Ferro-Alloys.com]European FeW price slipped to USD39.35-40.5/kgW. There were a large quantity of low offers, and are expected to fall further. Smuggling materials were still adequate in the local market, thereby routine channel FeW sold badly due to high tari...

[Ferro-Alloys.com]European FeW price slipped to USD39.35-40.5/kgW. There were a large quantity of low offers, and are expected to fall further. Smuggling materials were still adequate in the local market, thereby routine channel FeW sold badly due to high tariff.

In early October, Japanese customers improved buying intention. A Jiangxi exporter offered USD50/kgW for FeW, after acquiring some orders. Their stock had depleted, planning to supplement materials. The buying volumes were lower than those of 1H, but higher than summer vacation’s digit. It is expected that FeW export would soften in the coming months.

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  • [Editor:Mango]

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