

Most of Manufacturers Have Been on Holiday, the Cored Wire Market Is Very Steady

Most of cored wire manufacturers have taken holiday, only a few are speeding up to complete their orders on hand.They must complete and deliver the orders before the logistics service ends for the Spring Festival. Because the raw materials will not be in over ...

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ferrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief AnalysisFerrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 down to 0.17% after open market, the futures decrease to the price of 5996.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

2019 Tshipi Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

2019 Tshipi Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019 UMK Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

2019 UMK Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Price of Cold Rolled Strip Steel Has Risen Slightly and a Few Manufacturers Are Working Overtime

a few cold rolled strip steel manufacturers are continuing production. Workers are working overtime for some orders from downstream customers that must be completed and delivered before the logistics service ends for the Spring Festival. Most of the orders are...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ferrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief AnalysisFerrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 up to 0.07% after open market, the futures increase to the price of 5974.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Cored Wire Market Is Calm and No Large Fluctuation Is Expected to Appear after Spring Festival

The market is still calm with balanced relation between supply and demand and no large fluctuation in prices. After the Spring Festival holiday, the shortage of raw materials will appear but not be so severe and there will be no large fluctuation in the later ...

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ferrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief AnalysisFerrosilicon DaiFerrosilicon Steel Mills Iron Ore ly Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 down to 0.73% after open market, the futures decrease to the price of 6010.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019
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