

The SiMn price of Inner Mongolia Pu Yuan Ferroalloy Co.,Ltd.

The SiMn price of Inner Mongolia Pu Yuan Ferroalloy Co.,Ltd.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The SiMn price of Ningxia Dadi Circular Development Corp.,Ltd

The SiMn price of Ningxia Dadi Circular Development Corp.,Ltd

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Ferrosilicon Daily Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 up to 0.07% after open market, the futures increase to the price of 5816.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Price of Rare Earth Magnesium Rose, While the Quoted Prices of Nodularizer Cored Wire Manufacturers Are Still Stable

The price of rare earth magnesium, the raw material of nodularizer cored wire rose, the quoted prices of nodularizer cored wire manufacturers are somewhat uneven, but generally speaking, same as other cored wire products, they mainly undertake orders from thei...

Monday, April 8, 2019

Demand for polysilicon is not going away

[Ferro-Alloys.com ] According to the general manager of French PV production equipment provider Apollon Solar, Jed Kraiem, multicrystalline cells are expected to have a share of only 40% in 2019 global demand, with mono PERC cell structures now clearly being i...

Monday, April 8, 2019

Weekly Comment for Cored Wire Market (Apr 1 to 4)

In this week, the prices of raw materials of cored wire fluctuated repeatedly including metal crude calcium and cold rolled strip steel. However, the fluctuation range is not large enough to affect the products. Furthermore, most of cored wire manufacturers st...

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Mn Ore price of Shenzhen Shengya Mining CO.,LTD.

The Mn Ore price of Shenzhen Shengya Mining CO.,LTD.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Price Metal Crude Calcium Drops, But Seamless Metal Calcium Wire Has Not Been Affected

Metal crude calcium, the main raw material of seamless metal calcium wire drops, but because the seamless metal calcium wire manufacturers have not adjusted the quoted price of seamless metal calcium wire significantly yet and they are still in stable operatio...

Thursday, April 4, 2019
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