

Demand for Seamless Metal Calcium Cored Wire Is Stable

The prices of metal calcium silk and metal crude calcium, the raw materials of seamless metal calcium cored wire, fluctuated repeatedly at the beginning of April and stabilized on the whole in late April. Demand for seamless metal calcium cored wire is always ...

Friday, May 10, 2019

2019 South 32 Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

2019 South 32 Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

Friday, May 10, 2019

Ferrosilicon Daily Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 up to 0.76% after open market, the futures increase to the price of 6068.

Friday, May 10, 2019

2019 South 32 Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

2019 South 32 Manganese Ore Quotation Statistics Table

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Price of Cold Rolled Strip Steel Dropped Slightly

in April, the price of cold rolled strip steel rose significantly and stabilized in late April. Yesterday, it dropped slightly in various types.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ferrosilicon Daily Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 up to 0.07% after open market, the futures increase to the price of 5986.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Price of Silicon Calcium Alloys Rose

Recently, the price of silicon calcium alloys, the raw material of silicon calcium cored wire rose. As the result, some manufacturers that need purchasing raw materials have raised their offer of silicon calcium cored wire and the rest take wait-and-see attitu...

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ferrosilicon Daily Express Brief Analysis

Ferrosilicon futures main contract 1905 down to 0.40% after open market, the futures decrease to the price of 5974.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
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