
Finance & Economy

Endeavour posted strong financial results in 2020

The miner’s free cash flow increased from $38m in 2019 to $476m across last year, with the fourth quarter alone delivering $261m.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Mitsubishi to buy 30% stake in Aurukun bauxite project in Australia

Glencore is evaluating the feasibility of developing the mine that is located in Queensland.

Monday, March 22, 2021

US energy department issues $30m research funding to address ‘chronic’ critical mineral shortages

A reliance on imports for critical minerals like lithium, platinum and cobalt pose risks to the US clean energy agenda.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Stimulus, EV surge shaping diversification

Private investment and management company Menar is prioritising an iron-ore acquisition as well as a second sizeable manganese deal this year, while implementing a R7-billion thermal coal and anthracite expansion, in addition to developing its first manganese ...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Exxaro outlines value opportunity in transforming to low-carbon future

The value opportunity of diversified mining and energy company Exxaro Resources is rapidly transforming in line with the accelerated demand for cleaner and low-carbon resources, Exxaro Resources CEO Mxolisi Mgojo said on Thursday.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Exxaro announces record dividend on earnings leap in fourth fatality-free year

The black-empowered and black-led diversified mining company Exxaro Resources on Thursday announced a record dividend distribution on 25%-higher earnings and another year without occupational loss of life, taking the safety achievement to four years of fatalit...

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Northern Cape ‘elephant country' needs exploration boost, says explorer

South Africa is still "elephant country" and needs to boost exploration in the Northern Cape's highly prospective Namaqua metamorphic geological province in particular, says PGM Management MD Gerhard Meintjes.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Inner Mongolia Jingan invests more than 600 million yuan to build EAF steelmaking plant

Inner Mongolia (Naiman) Jingan nonferrous metal materials Co., Ltd. plans to invest 610.9834 million yuan in the construction of electric furnace steelmaking plant casting, machining and steel structure manufacturing project.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
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