
American Other Unlisted Ferroalloys Export Surged in Oct of 2014

According to the statistics of US International Trade Commission, American other unlisted ferroalloy export volume was 1686 mt in Oct 2014, up by 115% M-O-M and up by 178.6% Y-O-Y. The total export volume in Jan-Oct 2014 was 9625mt, up by 84.4% Y-O-Y.

Monday, December 8, 2014

China's Other Unlisted Ferroalloys Export Down by 18.3% Y-O-Y in H1 of 2014

China’s Other Unlisted Ferroalloys Export Down by 18.3% Y-O-Y in H1 of 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

China's Other Unlisted Ferroalloys Export Down by 36.7% Y-O-Y in April

According to statistics of China Customs, China exported 4992 mt of other unlisted ferroalloys in April, dropping by 36.7% Y-O-Y. in Jan-Apr, China totally exported 23863 mt of these materials, down by 21.4% Y-O-Y.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

S. Korea’s Other Ferroalloy Import Dropped M-O-M in April 2014

[Ferro-Alloys.com] According to statistic of Korea Customs, the import volume of other ferroalloy in Apr. was 1197 tons, down by 41.9% M-O-M while up by 21.3% Y-O-Y. The imported materials were mainly sourced from China. Meanwhile, the export volume was 163 to...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

S. Korea’s Other Ferroalloy Import Rose Up 17.4% M-MO-M in March 2014

[Ferro-Alloys.com] According to statistic of Korea Customs, the import volume of other ferroalloy in Mar. was 2061 tons, up by 17.4% Y-O-Y. The imported materials were mainly sourced from China. Meanwhile, the export volume was 130 tons, violently up by 116%. ...

Thursday, April 24, 2014
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