


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Molybdenum concentrate market overview 5 September 2018

[Ferro-Alloys.com] The latest prices of molybdenum powder, molybdenum bar and ammonium heptamolvbdate are unchanged from the previous trading day on quiet trading activity in Chinese market.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Molybdenum market overview 23 August 2018

[Ferro-Alloys.com] Chinese molybdenum prices show good signs as molybdenum mines stopping production to undergo repair tightens the supply of raw materials.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The molybdenum concentrate market gradually stabilizes

[Ferro-Alloys.com]Chinese molybdenum prices have continued to rise since August under environmental protection policy and factories shuts to undergo repair. Prices of ferromolybdenum,

Monday, August 6, 2018

Molybdenum Market prices continuing to push higher

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The molybdenum market rose Tuesday as the recent rally in which oxide powder prices rose around $2/lb over the course of July left some market participants wondering whether the move higher would be sustainable through the remainder of the su...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The market brief of molybdenum products on Jul. 24, 2018

[Ferro-Alloys.com]Opening this week, prices of ferromolybdenum, molybdenum concentrate and molybdenum oxide rise slightly while molybdenum powder price maintains stability. 40-45% molybdenum concentrate around RMB 1,620-1,650/mtu and mainstream transaction pri...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The market brief of molybdenum products on Jul. 20, 2018

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The latest price of molybdenum concentrate, The average price in Chinese 40-45%molybdenum concentrate around RMB 1,570-1,590/mtu

Friday, July 20, 2018

Molybdenum market briefly describes on Jun. 01, 2018

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The supply of molybdenum concentrate is tight and the quantity of steel biddings at the end of May increases, which offers support to the supply side.

Friday, June 1, 2018
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