
Chinese Calcium Silicon Market Stable under Production Cost (Aug. 11th-Aug. 15th)

In mid August, calcium silicon market in China was stable with inactive transactions. At present, about 10 sets with capability at 30000KVA or above were in normal operation. On Jul 28th, Qinghai Baitong started its 30000KVA furnace to produce calcium silicon,...

Monday, August 18, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Market Weak mainly Because of Surplus Capability (Aug.4th-Aug.8th)

In the first ten-day of August, some of Chinese producers cut the ex-work price of calcium silicon under big pressure of weak demand and bad transactions.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Export Price Stable in August

In August, Chinese calcium silicon export price remained stable although the domestic price slightly dropped.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fierce Competition Forced CaSi Producers to Offer Declining Quotations in China

CaSi producers were faced with unsatisfying deals in the fierce competition with industrial counterparts in China. CaSi market prices seemed steady, while in fact producers were lowering their offers and traded prices were also on the decline.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Export in Widened Price Gap

Chinese calcium silicon market kept stable in August. Meanwhile, the calcium silicon export market in China was still depressed with widened price gap.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Market Flat while Export Price Disordered (Jul.28th-Aug. 1st)

Chinese calcium silicon market kept stable in the end of July with no improvement for transactions and demand. Meanwhile, the calcium silicon export market in China was still depressed with big gap between the lowest and highest prices.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Market Stable in July

In July, Chinese calcium silicon market kept stable with inactive transactions. Spot materials were abundant and even superfluous, which mainly lead to weakened market.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Chinese Calcium Silicon Export Prices in Big Gap

The calcium silicon export market in China was still depressed with big gap between the lowest and highest prices.

Thursday, July 24, 2014
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