
Bad Atmosphere Appears The Market Is Stalemated And Conclusion Is Rare

[ferro-alloys.com] Tungsten market runs weak stably after the Dragon Boat Festival and transaction is rarer in the tungsten market. Prudent emotion in the market is strengthening and dealers are waiting in silence to Tungsten enterprises’ recovery production...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

International Prices of Both Ferro Tungsten and APT Rose Tungsten Market in China Is Still in A Stalemate

[ferro-alloys.com] International prices of both Ferro Tungsten and APT rose, and supply of domestic Tungsten products is still tense and its concluded is still in a stalemate.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Zhangyuan Tungsten Declared The Long-Order Price of The Second Half of April

[ferro-alloys.com] Zhangyuan Tungsten declared the APT long-order price

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Offers of Tungsten Products Are Stable Market Is Prudent

[ferro-alloys.com] At the beginning of the week, offers of tungsten products are stable.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Price of Paratungstate Product Continues to Be Up Conclusion Is Rare

[ferro-alloys.com] At the beginning of the week, price of tungsten product continues to rise, and the transaction is rare.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Offer of White Tungsten Concentrate of Xinfeng Huarui Molybdenum New Materials Co., Ltd.

[ferro-alloys.com] Offer of White Tungsten Concentrate of Xinfeng Huarui Molybdenum New Materials Co., Ltd.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tungsten Market Is in A Stalemate Purchasing Quantity Is Limited

[ferro-alloys.com] Price of Tungsten raw material tungsten concentrate raises this week, but the waiting and seeing emotion is strong because the short holiday will be coming. Tungsten concentrate market follows a little slow, and the purchasing quantity of Tu...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Prices of Tungsten Concentrate and Ammonium Paratungstate APT Rise

[ferro-alloys.com] Prices of Tungsten Concentrate and Ammonium Paratungstate APT that dropped to a greater extent in the earlier stage rise these two days.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
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