
Yen Depreciation Had Impact to Respective Items and Maked Customers Take Wait-and-See Attitude

The market continued to pick up till mid-October after China National Day. However, it turned to a slightly declining trend at the moment. Albeit the production cost in the southern region as a main producing area was up from September, the accumulated stock t...

Monday, November 10, 2014

REC Silicon expanding polysilicon production and mulling 20,000MT JV in Saudi Arabia

REC Silicon is expanding polysilicon production at its Moses Lake facility as well as expanding silane production at its Butte facility, while restarting Silane I production. The company is also undertaking a feasibility study to establish a 20,000MT joint ven...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chinese Silicon Metal Export Volume Set A Record in September

According to statistic National Bureau of Statistic of China, China export 89668.61 tons of silicon metal in September, up by 37.67% Y-O-Y, and it set a record in this year.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kazakhstan re-launches silicon plant in Karaganda

A silicon plant has been re-launched in Karaganda after a recovery procedure, the press service of Kazakhstan’s Baiterek national management holding said yesterday.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Silicon prices rise on weaker euro, supply shortages

Silicon prices rise on weaker euro, supply shortages

Thursday, October 16, 2014

US silicon prices inch up as 2015 talks begin

US silicon prices inch up as 2015 talks begin

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Price of Si Metal Continued Rising in September in China, So Did Japan

The market in China still continued to rise after mid-September, and now rose by CNY700 - CNY1,000 per ton from the end of August.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Price of Chinese Low-Grade Si Metal Continues Tending Upward

The price of low-grade silicon metal in China has continued to rise after rebounding in mid-August, and the anticipation of high prices has been still strong.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
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