
Google helps analyze if rooftop solar panels are good deal

The company that lets you compare air fares and translate foreign languages online wants to make it easier to weigh the costs and benefits of installing solar panels on household rooftops.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

South Africa's Developing Solar Energy Landscape

Until a few years ago solar panels were a rare sight in South Africa, largely limited to the roofs of a few affluent households. This is changing rapidly, driven by three factors: the worldwide drive towards renewable energy, a highly strained local electricit...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

ZhenJiang Daqo Siemens Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with China

December 29th, the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperationagreement between Zhenjiang Daqo Siemens and China Construction 7th BureauInstallation Company was held in Daqo Group.The two sides will uphold the sincere cooperation, mutualwin-win concept, to p...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Zhenjiang Daqo Siemens Won the Certificate of the First Domestic Manufacturer

In December of 2015, the subsidiary of Daqo Group -- ZhenjiangDaqo Siemens Bus Duct Company received the certification for Energy-efficientBus Duct issued by China Quality Certification Center. And Zhenjiang DaqoSiemens Company is the first one who has this ce...

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Globe Specialty Metals and Grupo FerroAtlántica Clear Regulatory Process and Complete Business Combination

MADRID, Spain and MIAMI, Florida, Dec. 23, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Globe Specialty Metals, Inc. (NASDAQ:GSM) today announced it has completed its combination with Grupo FerroAtlántica, finalizing the creation of the new company Ferroglobe PLC. The business co...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Google is Now Offering Solar Panel Advice in Nine States

Since its launch in August, Google's informative solar panel initiative Project Sunroof has only been available in the San Fransisco Bay, Fresno, and Boston. Today its footprint has been dramatically expanded, bringing the service to metro areas in the nine mo...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Solar Panel Evolution Will Happen in Buffalo

When Rive spoke to the analysts, SolarCity executives were feeling increasingly optimistic that the 30 percent investment tax credit would be extended, but they still stressed that a renewed federal lifeline wouldn’t deter them from their push to bring down t...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Solar Power Surges – Slowly – in Regulation-Heavy Russia

In late October, Russia opened the first stage of the country’s largest solar power plant. Located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, between the Volga river and the Ural Mountains in the south of the country, the project will eventually have a 20-megawatt (MW...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
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