
High FeNi Operating Rate Recovered Slightly in China

At early of Aug., the high FeNi operating rates in main producing areas started to recover for the downturn nickel ores price and the loosed fund pressure. In Jiangsu and Shandong provinces, it basically maintained at 50-55%. Inner Mongolia areas increased to ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Low Grade Nickel Ore Price Slide for Lack Demand (Aug. 4th-Aug. 8th)

In the first ten-day of August, prices of high grade nickel ores kept stable while price of low grade nickel ore price continued dropping.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chinese Ferronickel Price Stable in August (Aug. 4th-Aug. 8th)

In the first ten-day of August, LME nickel price hobbled due to the climbing stockpiles. On Aug. 6th, the closing price of LME was USD18733/ton and the stockpile was 318114 tons. Meanwhile, the Chinese domestic nickel market stayed soft with weak transactions....

Monday, August 11, 2014

Indonesian Ni Ores Imports Plunged in H1 while Philippines not become the substitute-China

In the first half year of 2014, China imported 12.27million tons nickel ores from Philippines, which just rose by 10.93% compared with that of last year. Meanwhile, China imported 10.44million tons Ni ores from Indonesian, down by 64.9% year on year.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

High FeNi Benchmark Price in Aug.. in China

n Aug., the high FeNi price basically maintained standard compared with that of last month

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Russian nickel sanctions to affect nickel price

According to the head of French mining group Eramet, the supplies of the nickel will be disrupted by sanctions and will affect Europe and the US.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Low FeNi might Further Declined for weak Demand-China (Jul.28th-Aug.1st)

In recent two months, the high FeNi operating rates was low and meanwhile many producers held the stock. However, the total supply in Chinese market was still high, and the main reason was that many steel mills cut down the purchasing volume.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Ni Ores Trading Stalemated for Big Price Gap-China (Jul.28th-Aug.1st)

At the end of July, the nickel ores trading was still not optimistic as the buyers in Chinese market tried to pressure the price while the sellers held the price for rise.

Monday, August 4, 2014
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