
Nickel Fell after Rising in the Previous Days

The nickel price continued to fall after rising in the previous two days. The LME nickel price closed at $17,247/t, down 0.88% all day, with high at $17,480/t and low at $17,212....

Friday, September 26, 2014

Nickel Rebounded after Slide

[Ferro-Alloys.com]LME nickel price rose on Wednesday after hitting $16,483/t the previous day, which is a fresh five-month low, with the closed price at $17,474/t. The investors might take the slide as a buying opportunity ahead of expected shortages.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

FeNi Imports of China in Aug.2014 Decreased by 28% M-O-M.

According to the latest statistics, in Aug.,2014, China imported 13,473tons ferronickel, which decreased by 28% month on month while increased by 20% year on year. From Jan. to Aug., total FeNi imports reached 172,310tons, rising by 88% year on year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nickel Ores Imports of China in Aug.2014 Rose by 6.4% M-O-M

According to the latest statistics, in Aug.,2014, China imported 5.42million tons nickel ores, rising by 6.45% month on month and 3.07% year on year, of which Indonesian Ni ores was 38.7thousand tons, increasing by 3200tons compared with that of last month. Me...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LME Nickel Price Hit a New Low in Sept.

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The price began to fall after the market opened up on Tuesday (Sept. 23), hitting a new low this month at $16,483/t, and then started to rebound, closing at $17,179/t.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dramatic Fall for Nickel due to Weakened Stimulation Expectation in China

[Ferro-Alloys.com]A significant decline for LME nickel price was seen on Monday. A five-month low at $16,955/t was created yesterday, with a closed price at $16,980/t, down 4.47%.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Medium and High FeNi Price Further Declined (Sept.15th-Sept.19th)

as the expectation for FeNi outlook was still not optimistic, most of the discontinued manufactures still kept the wait and see attitude. In addition, the stainless steel mills did not worry to purchase for the adequate stock of the raw materials, so it was ex...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Price Decreased for Nickel Ore by Weak Demand(Sept. 15th-Sept. 19th)

[Ferro-Alloys.com]Futures price for low nickel ore decreased by about $1.00 this week over the previous one. Currently, FOB prices for nickel ore(Fe50%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe49%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe48%, water33%) were quoted at $24-26/wet mt, $23-25/we...

Monday, September 22, 2014
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