
Nickel Unwrought Exports of China from 2010 to Sept.2014

According to the statistics of the Customs, from 2010 to 2013, total nickel unwrought exports (Customs Code: 7502) of China was followed by 55170tons, 35203tons, 35334tons, and 47152tons. in the first nine months of 2014, the nickel unwrought exports reached 9...

Friday, October 31, 2014

Nickel Unwrought Imports of China from 2010 to Sept. 2014

According to the statistics of the Customs, from 2010 to 2013, the nickel unwrought imports of China were respectively 182687tons, 217168tons, 159297tons

Thursday, October 30, 2014

High FeNi Tender Price and Nickel Price Trend from 2013 to Oct.2014

Since end of Q3, 2014, international nickel price continued to decline, which significantly pulled down the high FeNi price. In Nov., 2014, Tisco settled the high FeNi benchmark price at RMB930/Ni, which decreased by RMB250/Ni than that of last month and RMB40...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nickel Ores Future and Spot Price Declined-China (Oct.20th-Oct.24th)

In recent week the low grade nickel ores future price declined by USD1/wet mt as FOB prices for nickel ore(Fe50%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe49%, water33%), nickel ore(Fe48%, water33%) were quoted at $20-22/wet mt, $19-21/wet mt, $18-20/wet mt respectively. Spot ...

Monday, October 27, 2014

FeNi Price Sharply Declined in Chinese Market (Oct.20th-Oct.24th)

After half and one months decline, the LME Ni price dropped to USD15000-16000/mt from USD18500-19500/mt. In recent week the nickel price further decreased by USD338/mt to USD15210/mt while the stock increased by 2976tons to 377538tons on Oct.23th. On Oct.24th,...

Monday, October 27, 2014

High FeNi and 1# Ni Price from Jan. to Sept.in China

High FeNi and 1# Ni Price from Jan. to Sept.in China

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Nickel Ores Imports and Main Source from Jan. to Sept..

According to the statistics of the Customs, in Sept., China imported 4.64million tons nickel ores, which decline by 14% month on month and 30% year on year, of which 4.52million tons came from the Philippines. From Jan. to Sept., total imports reached 38.3mill...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

High Grade Nickel Ores Future and Spot Price from Jan. to Sept.-China

high grade nickel ores future (CIF) and spot prices from Jan. to Sept..

Thursday, October 23, 2014
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