
Nickel Ores Stock of China Decreased Sharply (Jan.19th-Jan.23th)

In recent week, the nickel ores price remained steady. According to the statistics, on Jan.23th, nickel ores stock declined by 500thousand tons to 19.85million tons. It was acknowledged the stock had already declined for 11weeks with decreasing rate of 4.05mil...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Nickel Ores Imports of China in 2014 Decreased by 32.9% Year on Year

Total nickel ores imports in 2014 was 47.81million tons, decreased by 32.9% year on year, of which Philippines Ni ores increased by 22.7% to 36.48million tons while Indonesian Ni ores declined by 74.1% to 10.64million tons.

Friday, January 23, 2015

FeNi Imports of 2015 would further Increased-China

In 2014, after the export ban of Indonesia was implemented, the international nickel ores price raised much, which had great effect on Chinese FeNi industry. Under this condition, 1% import tax of FeNI was canceled. It was expected that the Initiative would di...

Friday, January 23, 2015

FeNi Supply in Chinese Market in 2014 was Bounteous

In the first three quarters of 2014, the stainless steel production was 16.02million tons, increased by 17.44% year on year, of which Cr-Ni steel was 8.23million tons, improved by 19.64% Y-O-Y. It was expected that the whole output of 2014 might increased by 1...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

LME Nickel Price Remained in the Downtrend Channel

[Ferro-Alloys.com]LME nickel price was in a downtrend channel all day on Monday, Jan 19, creating an intraday high at 14780 and an intraday low at 14415, down 2.10% all day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

FeNi Capacity Release was still Low in Inner Mongolia, China

Since quarter 4, many FeNi producers temporarily closed down in Inner Mongolia, China, the main reasons of which were the high nickel ores cost and the APEC Conference, especially the New environmental laws’ execution on Jan.1st of 2015. In addition to the ab...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Fall of LME Nickel Price Offset the Increase of Previous Week

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The LME nickel price increased by 2.11% last Friday, closing at 14780. The price created a week low at 13945 which was also a 11-month low...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Nickel Miners' shill attempt was baffled (Jan.12-Jan.16th)

on Jan.16th, nickel ores stock declined by 300thousand tons to 20.35million tons. It was acknowledged the stock had already declined for 10weeks with decreasing rate was 3.55million tons.

Monday, January 19, 2015
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