[Ferro-Alloys.com]This week, affected by stock market, domestic nickel ore prices held at low stable level. In Sep 25, low-grade nickel ore 0.9-1.1 was mainly traded at 150-170yuan/wt; mid-grade 1.5 was mainly quoted at 240-260yuan/wt; high-grade 1.8 was mainl...
[Ferro-Alloys.com]This week, domestic ferronickel market held at low state and represented a little change. Low-grade ferronickel 1.6-1.8 was mainly traded at 1820-1870yuan/t; mid-grade ferronickel 4-6 and 6-8 were mainly quoted at 760-780yuan/ni; high-grade f...
[Ferro-Alloys.com]This week, LME prices wondered around US$10000, down-adjusted as a whole mainly affected by global economic uncertainties. In September 24, LME closed at US$9910/mt and its nickel stockpile in London Metal Exchange rebounded to 450,000 metric...
[Ferro-Alloys.com]Last week, Domestic nickel minerals prices continue to decline. On September 18, low-grade 0.9-1.1 spot was mainly quoted at 150-170yuan/wt; mid-grade 1.5 spot was mainly traded at 240-260yuan/wt, down 30yuan/wt; high-grade 2.0 spot was mainl...
[Ferro-Alloys.com]This week, domestic ferrous nickel prices tended to be stable and as a exception the low-grade products lost. On September 18th, low-grade ferronickel 1.6-1.8 was mainly quoted at 1800-1850yuan/mt, down 20yuan/mt; mid-grade ferronickel 4-6 wa...
[Ferro-alloys.com]This week, LME-listed nickel commodity prices fluctuated between $9900-10500/mt. On Sep 14th, affected by China Stock Market’s deep downturn, nickel prices slip to almost $9870/mt, down 3.74% as a whole and then wandered around $10000/mt. Be...
[Ferro-Alloys.com] This week, domestic nickel minerals market held steady. Low-grade 0.9-1.1 was mainly quoted at 150-170y/wt, middle-grade 1.5 was mainly quoted at 260-280y/wt, high-grade 1.8 was mainly quoted at 460-480y/wt and 2.0 was mainly quoted at 590-6...