
Iceland’s Ferrosilicon Shipment Rising Up by 58.9% in July 2014

In July 2014, Iceland exported 11401 tons of ferrosilicon, up by 58.9% Y-O-Y and up by 26.9% Y-O-Y. The materials were mainly shipped to Holland, Spain and Germany with quantities respectively at 3335 tons, 2501 tons and 2241 tons, which were all violently ris...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Globe to Restart Ferrosilicon Output at Siltech

Globe to Restart Ferrosilicon Output at Siltech

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ferrosilicon From Venezuela Does Not Injure U.S. Industry, Says USITC

Ferrosilicon From Venezuela Does Not Injure U.S. Industry, Says USITC

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

US Removed Anti-dumping Duty on Russian Ferrosilicon but Set a Final Rate of 22.84% forVenezuela

Russian ferrosilicon producer RFA International has escaped the imposition of US antidumping duties on ferrosilicon after the Department of Commerce awarded the company a zero percent dumping margin in its final determination of alleged dumping of the ferroall...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Large FeSi Producers Kept Steady Operation in China

Editor of www.ferro-alloys.com learnt large Gansu-based and Inner Mongolia-based ferrosilicon producers kept steady operation in China

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mechel Reports Reorganizing The Company

Mechel OAO (NYSE: MTL), one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, reports liquidating the Group’s ferroalloy division due to successful asset sales as part of the company’s strategy.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Mineral Production Records 13.2 per cent Cumulative Growth

Mineral Production Records 13.2 per cent Cumulative Growth

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Vale to buy mid-sized iron miner Ferrous Resources

Brazilian miner Vale, the world's top nickel producer, is acquiring the control of Ferrous Resources, its controlling shareholder Icahn Enterprises said in a securities filing.

Friday, December 7, 2018
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