CMSB also produces ferrosilicon and manganese alloys. recently, the CMSB acquired a 50%-stake in Sacofa Sdn Bhd, a telecommunications infrastructure provider.
Spot offers of 75%-Si ferrosilicon in Asia were mixed as Japanese sources said competition to win long term contracts had pushed down prices, while Chinese sources said offers were steady on the lack of trading interest after the week-long Lunar New Year holid...
In Japan, the scarcity of the products due to a decrease in distributed products in the market including roundabout products is still ongoing, and the movement to struggle to secure the spot goods can be
[]OM Materials (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd-owned ferrosilicon alloy smelting plant in Samalaju Industrial Park, Bintulu has continued to ramp up its production as more new smelting facilities are commissioned.
[]Malaysia's Pertama Ferroalloys plans to commission its ferrosilicon furnace in May, more than five years after the company was established, a project stakeholder told Platts Friday.
Canadian Metals Inc. (The “Corporation”) (CSE:CME) is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Boisjoli, FCPA, FCA to the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Company, effective January 27, 2016.
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) on Monday took the public hearings into Eskom’s application for electricity tariff hikes to Mahikeng, North West, .