
Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports(26-Jun-15)

Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports(26-Jun-15)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports (19-Jun-15)

Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports (19-Jun-15)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports (12-Jun-15)

Weekly Stock of Chrome Ore in China's Main Ports (12-Jun-15)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

China Exports of Ferrochrome Increased in Apr., 2015

China’s FeCr export volume was 710 mt in April, up by 107% M-O-M and up by 256% Y-O-Y. There is no improvement on FeCr market this year, the export volume continued low as last year.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

China Imports of Chrome Ore Slightly Declined in Apr., 2015

[Ferro-Alloys.com] China’s chrome ore import volume was 850,786 mt in April, slightly down by 2% M-O-M (1,015,000mt) and down by 16% Y-O-Y. The total import volume from Jan. to Apr. 2015 was 3,130,763 mt, down by 13% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

China Imports of Ferrochrome Sustained High Level in Apr., 2015

[Ferro-Alloys.com]:China’s FeCr import volume was 203,304 mt in April, down by 13.6% M-O-M(235,623 mt)while up by 6% Y-O-Y(191,513 mt). Since 2015, monthly import of FeCr was not only higher than that of last year but in the high level in recent years. ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

China's Import Volume of Chrome Ore in March 2015 up 36% from Previous Month

China's Import Volume of Chrome Ore in March 2015 up 36% from Previous Month

Monday, April 27, 2015

China's Import Volume of Ferrochrome in March 2015 down 6% from Previous Month

China's Import Volume of Ferrochrome in March 2015 down 6% from Previous Month

Monday, April 27, 2015
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