
Brazil Approves Anti-dumping Duties Against Six Countries

The Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) of the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade has approved anti-dumping measures against six countries: China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Mexico and the US. The Camex has also added a 4% levy to cement im...

Thursday, July 10, 2014

US Ferroalloys Import Volumes Violently Up in May, 2014

According to the statistics of US International Trade Commission, American ferroalloy export volume was 11,118 mt in May 2014, slightly down by 4% M-O-M and up by 16.7% Y-O-Y. The total export volume in Jan-May 2014 was 56,494mt, up by 8.1% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

S. Korean Exporters Face Growing Protectionism

Korean companies are confronted with growing trade barriers in overseas markets as major economies toughen import rules amid the eurozone debt crisis and a subsequent global economic slowdown, industry sources said on Jul 6th.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Zim pays Eskom US$10m in bid to ease power shortage

Zim pays Eskom US$10m in bid to ease power shortage

Friday, June 28, 2019

2015 Qingdao World Imports Fair & Procurement Conference

2015 Qingdao World Imports Fair & Procurement Conference ,Products related: Luxury products, collections, snacks, consumer electronics, drinks and beverage, luxury cars and yachts, house ware, gifts, health care products, sports items, cosmetics, travel suppl...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

[Conference] Shaanxi Shenghua Metallurgy-Chemical Co.,ltd to Buy Ferroalloys in 12th China Ferro-Alloys Intl Conference

Vice GM of Shaanxi Shenghua Metallurgy-Chemical Co.,ltd will attend 12th China Ferro-Alloys International Conference, mainly purchase Supply:CaSi,CaSi core wires,SiCaBa,SiAlCaBa,Ca metal,Si metal Buy:SiBa,Mn metal,FeSi He would like more of the delegates to ...

Friday, March 27, 2015

[Conference] Joamar Comercial Exportadora Ltd to Buy Ferroalloys in 12th China Ferro-Alloys Intl Conference

Sandro da Silva Arruda of Joamar Comercial Exportadora Ltd will attend 12th China Ferro-Alloys International Conference, mainly purchase Manganese, Columbite,Cassiterite,Scheelite,Tantalite,Wolframite,Silica,Titanium. He would like more of the delegates to hav...

Friday, March 27, 2015

[Conference] Shandong Jinan Steel Co.,ltd to Buy Ferroalloys in 12th China Ferro-Alloys Intl Conference

Purchasing Director of Shandong Jinan Steel Co.,ltd will attend 12th China Ferro-Alloys International Conference, mainly purchase silicon manganese, ferrosilicon and other ferroalloys. He would like more of the delegates to have a discussion with him face to f...

Thursday, March 26, 2015
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