
China Orders to Stop FA Production in Wide Area in Inner Mongolia

It seems China has made a major-scale order to stop production of ferroalloys in the wide area including Fengzhen City in Inner Mongolia from October 20 to mid-November.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chinese Ferroalloy Production in Q1-Q3 up by 7% Y-O-Y

According to statistic National Bureau of Statistic of China, Chinese ferroalloy production in September was 3.2565 million tons, up by 6% M-O-M and up by 1.3% Y-O-Y. And the production was totally 27.905 million tons in Jan-Sep of 2014, up by 6.9% Y-O-Y.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Chinese Ferroalloys Export and Import Dropped in September M-O-M

According to the latest Customs statistic, China exported 53,224 tons of ferroalloys in September 2014, dropping down by 6.8% M-o-M but violently up by 62.8% Y-O-Y. The exported materials included 43,781 tons of ferrosilicon.

Friday, October 24, 2014

S.Korea’s Ferroalloys Import from China up by 7.5% in Q1-Q3 2014

According to the statistics of Korea Customs, Korea’s ferroalloy import volume was 92,177 mt in September 2014, nearly the same with that in August and up by 18.6% Y-O-Y. The import sources and volumes were as the followings, South Africa, 18,769 mt; China, 1...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

【Conference Report】Mr Song Jinle-If Ferroalloys to be a Career, it Should Continue

[Ferro-Alloys.com]As the largest FeMn supplier, Jiaocheng Yiwang Ferroalloys also faced high power cost. On October,17th, 2014, The Fifth Mn, Cr, Ni & Stainless Steel International Conference opened. Mr Song Jinle, the president of Jiaocheng Yiwang Ferroalloys...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

[Conference Report] Tight Control would remain on Industry Access System & Elimination of Outdated Capacities-Mr Xin Renzhou

[Conference Report] Tight Control would remain on Industry Access System & Elimination of Outdated Capacities-Mr Xin Renzhou

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Brazil’s Ferroalloy Export in August Dropping Down

In August, 2014, Brazil exported 25437 tons of ferroalloy, down by 17.1% M-O-M and down by 21.7% Y-O-Y. In Jan-Aug, 2014, Brazil totally exported 257,786 tons of ferroalloys, up by 9% Y-O-Y. The materials including ferronickel, ferrosilicon and ferroniobium we...

Monday, October 13, 2014

Japan’s Ferroalloys Import Down by 8.5% Y-O-Y in August of 2014

According to the statistics of Japan Customs, Japan’s ferroalloy export volume was 16049 mt in Aug 2014, up by 20% M-O-M and up slightly down by 1% Y-O-Y. The total export volume in Jan-Aug of 2014 was 165177 mt, up by 17% Y-O-Y.

Monday, October 13, 2014
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