
Chinese Ferroalloy Production Growth Slowdown due to Weak Market in August

According to statistic National Bureau of Statistic of China, Chinese ferroalloy production in August was 3.07 million tons, up by 1.8% Y-O-Y. And the production was totally 24.587 million tons in Jan-Aug of 2014, up by 7.6% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Korea’s Ferroalloys Imported from China Dropped in August 2014

According to the statistics of Korea Customs, Korea’s ferroalloy import volume was 91,880 mt in August 2014, up by 15.5% M-O-M and up by 22.7% Y-O-Y. The import sources and volumes were as the followings

Monday, September 15, 2014

US Ferroalloys Import Volumes Dropped in July of 2014

According to the statistics of US International Trade Commission, American ferroalloy export volume was 11307 mt in July 2014, up by 16.3% M-O-M and up by 37.2% Y-O-Y. The total export volume in Jan-Jul of 2014 was 77521mt, up by 11.7% Y-O-Y.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Canada’s Ferroalloy Import and Export Volumes both slightly Up in H1 of 2014

In Jan-Jun of 2014, Canada totally imported 106 thousand tons of ferroalloy, up by 2.2% while exported 35.2 thousand tons, up by 5% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Turkey’s Ferroalloys Export Shrank in 2014

According to Turkey Customs statistics, the ferroalloy import volume in July 2014 was 26980 tons, down by 28.5% M-O-M and down by 21.5% Y-O-Y. The total import volume was 248718 tons, slightly up by 5.7%. The materials were mainly including silicon manganese, ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Brazil’s Ferroalloy Import in July Violently Rising Up

In July, 2014, Brazil exported 30682 tons of ferroalloy, down by 16% M-O-M and up by 6.3% Y-O-Y. In Jan-July, 2014, Brazil totally exported 232349 tons of ferroalloys, up by 13.9% Y-O-Y. The materials including ferronickel, ferrosilicon and ferro niobium were ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Chinese Ferroalloys Export Rebound in July Oweing to Ferrosilicon

According to the latest Customs statistic, China exported 66,317 tons of ferroalloys in July 2014, violently up by 101.86% Y-O-Y. Meanwhile, China imported 161,096 tons of ferroalloys in July, up by 23.8% Y-O-Y.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chinese Ferroalloy Production in July Dropped by 11.9% M-O-M

According to statistic National Bureau of Statistic of China, Chinese ferroalloy production was totally 22.2236 million tons in Jan-Jul of 2014, up by 11.7% Y-O-Y. The production in July was 3.085million tons, down by 11.9% M-O-M and up by 10.1% Y-O-Y.

Monday, August 25, 2014
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