
Construction in Krasnoyarsk region by CHEK SU.VK Declined Again

the company is not going to give up as the investments into the project are significant.5 RK0 furnaces (33 MVA each) were supposed to be installed at the plant to produce 235,000 tpy of ferroalloys120,000 tpy of FeMn and 115,000 tpy of SiMn.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

South Korea FeMn Alloy Market Price Kept Unchanged

Buyers have been slow to close contracts in the South Korean export market for manganese alloys in late August. High-carbon ferromanganese (75% Mn) is stillavailable at $1,000-1,050/t F0B and the material (73% Mn) - at $1,000/t F0B.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Chinese HC FeMn Exports Showed Dramatic Increase in January-July

[Ferro-Alloys.com]It is reported that China totaled exported 1,440.77 mt high carbon ferromanganese in July according to the latest data, showing a sharply increase of 148% m-o-m. In the first seven months, exports of high carbon ferromanganese in China totale...

Friday, August 29, 2014

Gulf Moves Forward with Manganese Smelter

Gulf Minerals Corporation Limited (ASX: GMC) wishes to provide for shareholders a copy of our Smelter Business Plan presentation

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Higher Output Boosts Autlán's Q2 Profits

Mexican ferromanganese producer Minera Autlán reported net profits of 32.4mn Mexican pesos (US$2.62mn) in the second quarter of 2014, compared to a net loss of 84.1mn pesos in the prior year period.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Georgian American Alloys,Inc. Announces Shift in Furnace Production

Georgian American Alloys, Inc. (“GAA”), the parent company of Felman Production LLC, CC Metals and Alloys, LLC, Felman Trading, Inc. and Georgian Manganese, LLC, today announced that Georgian Manganese will shift production at three of its furnaces from sili...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

MC FeMn See Adjustments

Prices for European medium-carbon widened this week to USD 1,145-1,205 per mt, DDP, as buyers moved in the spot market

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mineral Production Records 13.2 per cent Cumulative Growth

Mineral Production Records 13.2 per cent Cumulative Growth

Thursday, April 14, 2022
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