
One of Large HC FeMn Producers in Shanxi Maintained Normal Operation

[Ferro-Alloys.com]It is reported that one of big high carbon ferromanganese in Shanxi lowered 65# price to RMB5,400/mt from RMB5,450/mt in November

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

[Conference]OM Materials (Qinzhou)Co.,Ltd to Attend 4th Ferrosilicon Summit & 3rd FACOM Members Meeting

Mr. Yang Lizhong, President of OM Materials (Qinzhou) Co., Ltd will attend The 4th Ferrosilicon Summit & 3rd FACOM Members Meeting. The related customers can register the conference ahead and make an appointment with them.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

TATA Steel Ferroalloy Expansion Proposal Given Green Signal

The public hearing for expansion of TATA Steel operations held at Joda yesterday said to have favored the proposal. A t lease 86 persons spoke at the meeting attended by over 5000 people informed officials of the district administration.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mexico’s Autlan to Invest $150 Million in Power Plants

Minera Autlan, North America’s largest producer of alloys used to make steel, plans to spend $150 million to build power plants as Mexico’s energy industry opens to competition.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

India HC FeMn Showed A Slightly INR500/MTdownturn

On week buying activity, India producers of ferromanganese have reduced their prices by INR500/MT with deals now beijing concluded at INR56,500/MT ex-Raipur and INR57,500/MT ex-Durgapur. Affected by low demand, India producers have lowered prices in the domest...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

US EPA Proposal would Hit Eramet, Felman

Proposed changes to US federal emissions regulations could force manganese alloy producers Eramet Marietta Inc and Felman Production LLC to undertake multimillion-dollar upgrades to their facilities.

Monday, October 27, 2014

No Manganese Alloys Stoppage at Eramet Sauda after Fire

Eramet Sauda supplies material to the international steel sector,particularly producers in Europe and North America. It gets manganeseore supplied from its parent company's mine in Gabon, Wes Africa.

Friday, October 24, 2014

[Conference Report] Size Up the Situation and Follow the Market --Song Jinle

The 5th Mn Cr Ni & Ssteel International Conference was held in Taiyuan Garden International Hotel during Oct.16th-18th,2014. The organizer of this conference was FERRO-ALLOYS.COM. Mr. Song Jinle, President of Jiaocheng Yiwang Ferroalloy Co.,ltd, delivered a sp...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
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