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A Narrow Range-bound EMM Market will be Norm

According to the investigation of www.ferro-alloys.com, current production cost (including tax) of EMM is about RMB 12300/mt (USD1984/m) in China.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dry & bulk Cargo Demand Would Maintain Growth in the Next Five Years

On a trade forum in China recently, experts disclosed dry & bulk cargo seaborne demand was still strong and it would maintain annual growth of 6% in the next five years.

Friday, June 27, 2014

China Exported 734mt Vanadium Pent Oxide in May, 2014, up 54.2% Y-o-Y

[Ferro-Alloys.com]China exported -mt vanadium pent oxide in May,2014, up -% compared with last May (-mt) and -% from April (-mt).

Friday, June 27, 2014

China Exported 971.1mt FeV in May, 2014, up 72.8% Y-O-Y

[Ferro-Alloys.com]China exported -mt FeV in May,2014, up -% compared with last May (-mt) and -% from April (-mt).

Friday, June 27, 2014

South African Chrome Ores Spot was Tight in Chinese Market while Traders were Cautious for Imports

From May to June, the ferrochrome production was stable. And according to some producers, the large production would not be changed much in July. So the demand for chrome ores

Friday, June 27, 2014

Production Capability Utilization of Silicon Metal Rose up in China

In June, the Chinese silicon metal market became active with more and more inquiries from buyers. The electricity price of the main production regions such as...

Friday, June 27, 2014

China Exported 27,029 mt of EMM in May 2014

According to latest data o the General Administration of Customs, China exported 27,029 mt of EMM

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Malaysia Plans to Raise Anti-dumping Duties on Certain Steel Products

It is reported that Malaysian government is mulling to raise anti-dumping duties on hot rolled, tread plate, pickled and oiled steel products which are imported from China, Indonesia and South Korea.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
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